As one of the exhibitors at the 17th Associations Forum National Conference, Professional Advantage will showcase Upbeat. This solution harnesses the power of Microsoft Dynamics 365 to streamline the performance of major functions in associations.
Attendees at AFNC2023 will have the opportunity to meet with the Professional Advantage team and learn how Upbeat can help improve the efficiency of their association. By visiting the Professional Advantage booth, attendees can gain valuable insights into the latest technology and discover this innovative solution to support the growth and success of their organisation.
Key reasons to attend:
- Get Inspired
Invest in the growth of your association and professional career by gathering inspiration at AFNC2023. Learn from the experience of others and build a supportive network with like-minded individuals. - Quality Technical Sessions
Keynote addresses, parallel sessions, and learning labs led by industry experts will maximise your interests to learn about membership, governance, or marketing, to name a few. - Answers from the Experts and Exhibitors
Discover new products and services for your association. Visit the exhibition and have your questions answered by the experts. - Grow a Professional Team
By bringing more individuals from your association, you invest in the professional development of your team, motivate staff members, and streamline board members with the key issues and challenges being faced.
Take advantage of this opportunity to invest in your association and professional career growth at the 17th Associations Forum National Conference. Visit Professional Advantage at the WINX Stand, Royal Randwick, Sydney, on 27th- 28th April 2023 to learn more about Upbeat.
To learn more about this event, please visit the AFNC website.
See us at Booth #49.