Planning, Budgeting, and Forecasting (PBF) is an essential business process in organisations, specifically within Not-for-Profits (NFPs).

The budget process enhances social equity and optimises the use of funds. Budgets, coupled with forecasts, provide a roadmap for NFPs that empowers their proactive executive decision-making. An optimised NFP Budget promotes transparency and best practice governance, which in turn enhances the confidence of donors and funding agencies.

In many organisations, the budget planning process can be a contentious task. Budgets can be a protracted, time-consuming process which is often undervalued. However, with commitment from the stakeholders, the right business process, and the adoption of the right technology tool as the enabler of service reach and enhanced social outcomes, significant improvement can be achieved, including optimised funding allocation and service delivery.

In this webinar, we dive deep into the potential of the technology component and the improvement opportunities it brings to the Planning, Budgeting, and Forecasting process. We look at how NFPs can:

  • Plan, Budget, and Forecast by program, grant, or project.
  • Make changes to budget allocations and fund contributions to reforecast as necessary.
  • Forecast pledges and arrears and use what-if scenarios to analyse the impact of these changes.
  • Reduce the complexities of multiple spreadsheets into a consolidated model.
  • Keep a close watch on overhead expenses and staff utilisation, and prioritise resource allocation to areas with the highest needs.

Applying technology to support the Planning, Budgeting, and Forecasting process can contribute to:

  • Significant timesaving.
  • A more transparent process.
  • Eliminating input errors and increasing reliability.
  • Maximising the impact of funding.
  • Making quicker and more accurate decisions about the programs being provided.

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Your Hosts:

Rebecca Gatehouse

Business Development Manager

Rebecca is dedicated to helping organisations solve challenges, reduce complexity, and drive performance through a focus on process and better decision making, via the application of technology. With an understanding of their organisation, their roadmap of improvements, and target business outcomes, Rebecca advises on best approach and technologies that will deliver outcomes. Rebecca has over 10 years of experience working with customers to find, and get the most out of, the best technology to support their business.

Grahame Smith

Business Intelligence Consultant

Grahame Smith has worked with Professional Advantage for almost two decades. His expertise lie within business intelligence and discovery, with extensive experience in systems implementations and integrations. He always works with a focus on delivering insight, knowledge, and power to his clients. His professional history has comprised financial controller and project accountant roles, with responsibilities including consolidating multi-currency budgeting and reporting.

An improved reporting process can free up time to focus your resources on achieving your mission of doing more good