During this webinar, you will learn how you can use the new credit management solution to manage customers and orders pro-actively to minimise risk and maximise cash flow.

In this session, you will discover how to:

Enable credit management and risk assessment.

Manage credit limits for customers using credit limit adjustments.

Create order and customer blocking rules.

Manage held order.

Set up a workflow to manage the approval of credit limit and sales order releases.

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Who are the Presenters?

Dennis Dalla Costa
Business Development Manager

Dennis joined Professional Advantage as Business Development Manager in 1999 and has seen major changes in both technology and vendors within the sector over the past 20 years. He has consulted within a large number of mid-market enterprises, helping them enhance their business processes via technology and advising on how best to deploy various technologies to enable enterprises to become 'high performing'.

Anderson Spezzano
Dynamics 365 F&SCM & Annata IDMS Consultant

Anderson is experienced in global ERP implementations, specialising in Microsoft Dynamics AX/365 FO Annata IDMS, Supply Chain and Finance modules since version 4.0. Prior to joining Professional Advantage, Anderson worked at other Microsoft partners and as an ERP manager for a field service company in Brazil with over 15,000 employees.

David Duke
Dynamics 365/AX Consultant

David is a Senior Functional Consultant with over 10 years' experience in AX and Dynamics 365. He specialises in financials, procurement, and workflow. He has a passion for training and his goal is to help businesses make the most of their investment.