In the bustling world of global investments, maintaining a steady course amidst market fluctuations requires not only astute navigation but also reliable partnerships. For Navigator Global Investments (NGI), their journey of excellence has been enriched by their longstanding collaboration with Professional Advantage (PA), a partnership spanning more than 15 years that is built on trust, expertise, and unwavering commitment.
"We have a long-standing relationship with PA. We trust them, and we are confident in what they can achieve for us."

Sean Edwards, Financial Controller, Navigator Global Investments.

The Client Management Team

Each client at PA has their own Client Management Team (CMT) consisting of a Client Success Manager (CSM) and an Inside Account Manager (IAM).
"We have regular catch ups with our CMT, whether that be virtually or in person at our office. They know our business, our processes, and our needs, and keep us abreast of changes, updates, and recommendations within the IT world."
With an intimate understanding of NGI’s systems and processes, the CMT serves as a reliable conduit for communication and support.
"We have attended PA webinars thanks to our CMT highlighting ones of interest to us. This has introduced us to new products—such as Solver—which would enhance our business operations."

You can read about Navigator Global Investments and their implementation of Solver with PA in this case study.

You can also read case studies about their implementation of Business Central and their use of Continia.

The Consulting Team

NGI have been dealing with the same consultant for more than 5 years, something commonplace within PA when considering the average tenure of staff.
"We trust our consultant and their judgment. They have a curious mind, wanting to figure things out, an approach that we have started to embody."
The PA consulting team are seasoned experts and are able to bring advice and best practices to clients.
"The level of client service and responsibility that our consultant took on, as well as their enthusiasm, makes a big difference."
During recent projects, NGI had stakeholders in both Australia and the US. This added an extra layer of complexity as the project team needed to work across time zones.
"Managing these projects remotely was a challenge. Fortunately, everyone dedicated themselves to the project and the time zone struggles, including our PA consultant, with early morning and late night sessions to accommodate everyone involved."
The dedication of the consulting team has earned them a respected place in NGI’s decision-making process.

The Project Management Team

Integral to keeping a project running smoothly, the project management (PM) teams within PA take on the responsibility of overseeing implementation, including coordinating training sessions and workshops.
"Even with the hecticness that comes with a project, the process was smooth thanks to our PM team. They looked after us."

The relationship with PA

The relationship between NGI and PA is not merely transactional; it is a partnership deeply rooted in trust and mutual respect.
"Given our history with PA and their knowledge of our databases, we know PA is best placed to understand our business and take us forward."
PA are consistent in keeping their clients informed, whether that is about the latest advancements in the Microsoft journey, or providing valuable content through newsletters, emails, community groups, or webinars.

"You cannot underestimate the importance of IT, and PA are our source of truth and information for what is happening within the industry."

Given the depth of their relationship and PA’s proven track record with them, NGI’s decision to partner with PA for their last projects reflects their confidence in PA’s abilities and their shared commitment to growth.

At PA, we are grateful for the longevity and prosperity of our relationship with Navigator Global Investments, and look forward to many more years of partnership.